Paid Memberships Pro – Form Builder

Paid Memberships Pro Form Builder is a drag and drop addon for Paid Memberships pro allowing you to create different types of fields quickly and easily. You don’t have to edit chunk of codes just to add a text field. This addon also you add checkout boxes and remove email/password repeat fields


This plugin requires free Paid Memberships Pro Register addon to work. Please make sure it’s downloaded and installed

Nothing is as easy as dragging and dropping. You can create, arrange and rearrange your form fields within seconds. You get up to nine different input fields to collect all forms of data as you like. From simple text field to HTML content

Copying your fields from one website to another is never going to require a developer. Copy and backup quickly
Create PMPro checkouts without even touching a line of code

The following form fields are supported:

  • Text Input
  • Text Area
  • Checkbox
  • Radio
  • Select & Select2
  • File Upload
  • Hidden Input
  • HTML Header
  • HTML elements [paragraph