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There is now a drag-and-drop page builder that you can use to create form fields on the fly. Download it here

Arguably the best WordPress membership plugin out there, Paid Memberships Pro (PMPro) will help you create a membership website quickly and easily. What attracts me as a developer is the numerous amount of hooks and filters this plugin has, that is, it is easy to bend it to do whatever you want.

When it comes to creating custom fields, it appears a bit difficult. But I am going to walk you through how, making it super easy for you.

Did I tell you you don’t need a PRO licence to do this? Thanks to the Coleman couple.

I am going to assume you have installed Paid Memberships pro and your checkout page looks similar to this (depending on your payment gateway)

Step One: Install and activate “Register Helper Addon”

This is the plugin that will do the dirty job of adding a field for you. The plugin is freely available in the WordPress repository here


Step Two: Find “functions.php” file in your theme folder

We need a file to type in your code and a very good place is inside your functions.php file. Locate to your theme folder and open functions.php. Scroll to the last line and …


Step Three: Copy and Paste the Code below

Who doesn’t like copy n paste 🙂

 * Modifies Paid Memberships Pro to include more profile fields.
function mytheme_add_fields_to_signup(){
	//don't break if Register Helper is not loaded
	if(!function_exists( 'pmprorh_add_registration_field' )) {
		return false;
	$fields = array();

	//add the fields to default forms
	foreach($fields as $field){
			'',	// location on checkout page
			$field	// PMProRH_Field object
add_action( 'init', 'mytheme_add_fields_to_signup' );

The code above, though powerful, does nothing. “Should I delete it?” No please!!!. It first checks if you have followed step one above. Secondly it creates an empty field array and then adds it to the default fields. Since 0 + 5 = 5, nothing appears. Now let’s add a field to it.

Step Four: Adding My first field

Replace the code above with this:

 * Modifies Paid Memberships Pro to include more profile fields.
function mytheme_add_fields_to_signup(){
	//don't break if Register Helper is not loaded
	if(!function_exists( 'pmprorh_add_registration_field' )) {
		return false;
	$fields = array();

	$fields[] = new PMProRH_Field(
		'mytheme_phone',// input name, will also be used as meta key
		'text',	// type of field
			'label'		=> 'Telephone',// custom field label
			'size'		=> 40,// input size
			'profile'	=> true,// show in user profile
			'required'	=> true, // make this field required

	//add the fields to default forms
	foreach($fields as $field){
			'after_email',	// location on checkout page
			$field	// PMProRH_Field object
add_action( 'init', 'mytheme_add_fields_to_signup' );

We have two new things in the code above. The first is $fields[] while the second is after_email. If all you want is something that works, you got it. If you want to know how you can do more read the explanation below:

  • ‘mytheme_phone’: Change this name as you wish. PMPro will create a new field item with this name. If you want to populate existing fields, use their ids eg ‘first_name’
  • ‘text’: This is the type of field. Avaialbe types are textarea, radio, checkbox, select etc
  • ‘after_email’: This is where your new profile field will appear. Available options are
    • after_username
    • after_password
    • after_email
    • after_captcha
    • checkout_boxes
    • after_billing_fields
    • before_submit_button

Step Five: Adding My second field

It was easy adding the first field, right? Now let’s add another. Replace the code above with this:

 * Modifies Paid Memberships Pro to include more profile fields.
function mytheme_add_fields_to_signup(){
	//don't break if Register Helper is not loaded
	if(!function_exists( 'pmprorh_add_registration_field' )) {
		return false;
	$fields = array();

	$fields[] = new PMProRH_Field(
		'mytheme_phone',// input name, will also be used as meta key
		'text', // type of field
			'label'		=> 'Telephone',	// custom field label
			'size'		=> 40,// input size
			'profile'	=> true,// show in user profile
			'required'	=> true,// make this field required
			'location' => 'after_email',

	$fields[] = new PMProRH_Field(
    'mytheme_gender', // input name, will also be used as meta key
    'radio', // type of field
        'options' => 
                'male' => 'Male',
                'female' => 'Female'
        'class'=>'gender_css', // custom class
        'label'=>'Gender?', // custom class
        'profile'=>true, // show in user profile
        'required'=>true, // make this field required
				'location' => 'before_submit_button',

	//add the fields to default forms
	foreach($fields as $field){
			$field->location,// location on checkout page
			$field// PMProRH_Field object
add_action( 'init', 'mytheme_add_fields_to_signup' );

You must have noticed at least two changes. Let me highlight the changes and explain. Firstly, a new field has been added. Secondly a location field has been added.

We needed to add another field so we duplicated $field[] item. It’s as simple as that. To add a new field, just duplicate.

The second is very optional. Without adding the new ‘location’ line, everything would work well. The only thing is that all new fields will be added ‘after_email’. Why? Because ‘pmprorh_add_registration_field’ contains only one location. By giving each field a location, you can control their placement. 

That’s it. If you have questions, please shoot them below

23 responses to “How to add custom fields to Paid Memberships Pro

  1. Hey, thank you for your post, I would like to request you to add code for validation and save these data properly, that will be a great help .

    1. Hi Prafulla,

      If you are using the Register Helper Addon, fields are automatically validated. This is exactly how PMPro official addons use it.

  2. Do you have an example of adding a file type custom field? I’ve tried adding a file upload field and the file is not being uploaded with the rest of the form data.

  3. Hi. Thank you for this post. It’s very helpful. Problem is, after adding my custom fields (multiselect and checkbox), they do not show up in my profile page (I’m using theme-my-login for the profile page). Even if I use the pmpro_profile shortcode, it does not permit the user to edit those fields. Thank you for your help.

      1. Hello webprofdave,

        I’m developing my first website & utilizing the following:
        – WP Version 4.9.1
        – Paid Memberships Pro
        – Paid Memberships Pro – Add Member Admin .2
        – Paid Memberships Pro – Auto-Renewal Checkbox .2.5
        – Paid Memberships Pro – Email Templates Add On 0.7.1
        – Paid Memberships Pro – Extra Expiration Warning Emails Add On .3.7.1
        – Paid Memberships Pro – Form Builder 1.1.0
        – Paid Memberships Pro – Member Directory Add On .5.1
        – Paid Memberships Pro – Member History Add On .2.4.2
        – Paid Memberships Pro – Membership Card Add On .4
        – Paid Memberships Pro – Membership Manager Role Add On .3.1
        – Paid Memberships Pro – Pay by Check Add On .7.8
        – Paid Memberships Pro – Recurring Emails Add On .5
        – Paid Memberships Pro – Register Helper Add On 1.3.7
        – Paid Memberships Pro – Reports Dashboard Add On .2
        – WPBakery Page Builder 5.4.5

        So today I bought PMP – Form Builder and configured a form. However, I do not know how to cause this form to be the registration form. Any help would be very greatly appreciated.


        1. Hello April,

          I am happy to see you are using PMPro Form Builder to build your registration form.
          Since you have configured a form already, the fields will appear automatically in your registration form.

          If you need further assistance, please send me a message here –
          I am very eager to hear from you.

  4. Nice post, it helped me a lot, thank you.

    I was wondering in how can I print this custom fields for the current user in my theme. Like we do with first_name, as:

    get_user_meta($user_id, ‘first_name’, true);

    it doesnt work with the name of custom field, like:

    get_user_meta($user_id, ‘my_custom_field’, true);

    How can I do this?

  5. This works to add the fields – thank you, but on the profile page I would like the fields to appear below “Contact Information” and they are being displayed way down at the bottom of the page under “Member History”. How do I move them up?

  6. I need help regarding paid membership pro plugin. There are many levels of membership and for free memberships, I want to add 2 additional fields for signup but not for other levels but when I add 2 fields to checkout page of membership it added to all membership levels. I just want 2 new custom fields to free membership checkout. I also added Register Helper addon but I don’t know what to do with this. I am using the WordPress platform. Any support would be greatly appreciated. Thank you,

  7. Hi David

    Do you know if the PMP can support adding custom properties/fields to a level? Like a number or date value


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